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Imagine you want users to enter the URL /@drake, and for it to redirect to the page at /artists/[slug].tsx.

Next.js lets you handle this easily with redirects and rewrites inside of next.config.js

// next.config.js
module.exports = {
async rewrites() {
return [
source: '/@:slug',
destination: '/artists/:slug',
// next.config.js
module.exports = {
async rewrites() {
return [
source: '/@:slug',
destination: '/artists/:slug',

The issue is, this won't work out of the box with React Navigation.

In order to achieve the same, we'll need to edit the React Navigation linking config.

import * as Linking from 'expo-linking'
import { getStateFromPath, LinkingOptions } from '@react-navigation/native'
const withRewrites = (unparsedPath: string): string => {
if (unparsedPath.startsWith('/@')) {
const slug = unparsedPath.replace('/@', '').split('?')[0].split('/')[0]
const rest = unparsedPath.replace(`/@${slug}`, '')
return `/artists/${slug}${rest}`
// you can put other redirects here
return unparsedPath
const linking: LinkingOptions<ReactNavigation.RootParamList> = {
// ...your linking config
prefixes: [Linking.createURL('/'), ''],
getStateFromPath(path, config) {
const finalPath = withRewrites(path)
return getStateFromPath(finalPath, config)
import * as Linking from 'expo-linking'
import { getStateFromPath, LinkingOptions } from '@react-navigation/native'
const withRewrites = (unparsedPath: string): string => {
if (unparsedPath.startsWith('/@')) {
const slug = unparsedPath.replace('/@', '').split('?')[0].split('/')[0]
const rest = unparsedPath.replace(`/@${slug}`, '')
return `/artists/${slug}${rest}`
// you can put other redirects here
return unparsedPath
const linking: LinkingOptions<ReactNavigation.RootParamList> = {
// ...your linking config
prefixes: [Linking.createURL('/'), ''],
getStateFromPath(path, config) {
const finalPath = withRewrites(path)
return getStateFromPath(finalPath, config)