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Since useIsFocused() only applicable on Native, you can replace it with a custom function on Web.

Create your exports​


export { useIsFocused } from '@react-navigation/native'
export { useIsFocused } from '@react-navigation/native'


export function useIsFocused() {
return true
export function useIsFocused() {
return true

On Web, screens are always focused when they're mounted.

Import your file​

import { useIsFocused } from 'hooks/use-is-focused'
import { useIsFocused } from 'hooks/use-is-focused'

Custom Web Logic​

This section is a little more advanced. It's relevant if you're using modals with Next Router.

In the above example, we always return true on Web.

One exception might be if there is a shallow routed modal on top of a screen.

For example, say that you have an EditArtist modal that shows when the URL contains a query param like /artists/drake?showsEditModal=true.

If you want to implement this logic, you could do it yourself on Web using a combination of React Context and checking query params with useRouter from next/router.

Create a context​

First, in a file called context/modal-screen create your ModalScreenContext. This will let screens detect if they are a modal or not.

import { createContext } from 'react'
export const ModalScreenContext = createContext(false)
import { createContext } from 'react'
export const ModalScreenContext = createContext(false)

Then, your actual Next.js page could look something like this:

// pages/artist/[slug].tsx
import { ModalScreenContext } from 'context/modal-screen'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
export default function ArtistPage() {
const router = useRouter()
return (
<ArtistScreen />
<ModalScreenContext.Provider value={true}>
{!!router?.query?.showsEditModal && <EditArtistModal />}
// pages/artist/[slug].tsx
import { ModalScreenContext } from 'context/modal-screen'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
export default function ArtistPage() {
const router = useRouter()
return (
<ArtistScreen />
<ModalScreenContext.Provider value={true}>
{!!router?.query?.showsEditModal && <EditArtistModal />}

Notice that the EditArtistModal is wrapped with the ModalScreenContext.Provider, and the value is true.

This means that any component inside of EditArtistModal will know it is a modal, whereas every component inside of ArtistScreen will know it is not a modal.

Use the context​

If you stick to the pattern of always including the word modal in the URL, you can use the useRouter hook to check if the URL contains the query param:

The logic for useIsFocused should now be this: your hook is focused if one of these conditions is true:

  1. the hook is inside of a (mounted) modal, or

  2. the hook is not a modal, and there is no modal mounted

    a. Why? If this hook is not in a modal, but a modal is mounted, then that means that this hook is underneath the modal, and thus not focused.

import { useContext } from 'react'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
import { ModalScreenContext } from './context/modal-screen'
export function useIsFocused() {
const { query } = useRouter()
const iAmAModal = useContext(ModalScreenContext)
if (iAmAModal) {
return true
const isThereAModalVisibleOnTopOfMe =
// check if there is a query param with "modal"
Object.keys(query ?? {}).some((key) => key.toLowerCase().includes('modal'))
return !isThereAModalVisibleOnTopOfMe
import { useContext } from 'react'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
import { ModalScreenContext } from './context/modal-screen'
export function useIsFocused() {
const { query } = useRouter()
const iAmAModal = useContext(ModalScreenContext)
if (iAmAModal) {
return true
const isThereAModalVisibleOnTopOfMe =
// check if there is a query param with "modal"
Object.keys(query ?? {}).some((key) => key.toLowerCase().includes('modal'))
return !isThereAModalVisibleOnTopOfMe

To use this as a repeatable method, it's important that you always use the word modal as a query param to denote that a modal is open.

Finally, you can navigate to this modal screen like so:

<Link href="/artists/drake" query={{ showsEditModal: true }} />
<Link href="/artists/drake" query={{ showsEditModal: true }} />

And if you implement some custom modal logic, you might end up having a link with a fancier as prop:

<Link href="/artists/drake" as="/@drake/edit" query={{ showsEditModal: true }} shallow />
<Link href="/artists/drake" as="/@drake/edit" query={{ showsEditModal: true }} shallow />

That way, you could put the edit modal as a full page when someone refreshes. But that's for another day...