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Upgrade to Solito 2

Solito 2 is a big step for the React Native + Next.js stack:

  • New solito/image: Optimized cross-platform images
    • next/image on Web
    • react-native-fast-image on iOS & Android
    • Expo Go support
  • Next.js 13 support
    • Link and TextLink support
    • Upgraded example monorepos
  • Native stack replace() support


Optimized images are one of the most-requested features for cross-platform development.

Solito 2 introduces SolitoImage, which wraps next/image on Web and react-native-fast-image by Dylan Vann on iOS & Android.

alt="BeatGig logo"
alt="BeatGig logo"

You can now use optimized images across platforms with a single API.

A key goal of this component was to bring the next/image API to native. This meant porting the following features, among others:

  • src and srcSet support
  • sizes property for optimized image sizes. Uses the Dimensions API on native.
  • priority property
  • Relative URL paths for images in the Next.js public folder
  • Static files via imported via import
  • fill property for absolute-filled styles
  • Object fit/resize modes
  • React Native style prop support across platforms, including transform array, etc.
  • loader property for custom image loaders
  • Global image configuration
    • Set a global loader instead of a loaderFile
    • Configure deviceSizes
    • Configure imageSizes
    • Implemented with React Context
  • unoptimized prop

For more, see the SolitoImage docs.

Next.js 13 support​

Solito 2 adds support for Next.js 13.

TextLink and Link now use Next.js' legacyBehavior prop under the hood. No user changes are required.

Similarly, Next.js' useRouter hook has been tree shaken on native to avoid runtime errors from Next.js 13 on iOS and Android.

Upgraded example monorepos​

All Solito example monorepos have been upgraded to Next.js 13. The following changes were made:

  • Increment Next.js version in apps/next/package.json
  • Change react-native-reanimated SWC plugin in apps/next/plugins
  • Upgrade solito to 2.0.0 in packages/app/package.json
  • Upgrade react & react-dom in apps/expo/package.json to 18.2.0
    • If you run expo upgrade in apps/expo, this version might get downgraded. If this happens, be sure to manually upgrade to at least 18.2.0.

Next.js 13 Upgrade Guide​

While Solito doesn't add any breaking changes to support Next.js 13, Next.js 13 itself does have breaking changes. Please refer to their upgrade guide.

Since the minimum React/React DOM versions are now 18.2.0, I recommend setting this version as a resolution in your monorepo's root package.json to avoid version mismatches:

"resolutions": {
"react": "18.2.0",
"react-dom": "18.2.0"
"resolutions": {
"react": "18.2.0",
"react-dom": "18.2.0"

Native Stack replace()​

A common point of confusion for Solito users is the router.replace() function. On Web, it replaces the screen as expected. But on native, it always pushes a new screen, even when using a stack.

This limitation is due to the complexity of determining a user's navigation intentions in a composable way with URLs, especially when dealing with nested navigators.

To solve this feature request, Solito 2 introduces a new nativeBehavior option in the router.replace() function:

import { useRouter } from 'solito/router'
export function Home() {
const router = useRouter()
const openArtists = () => {
router.replace('/artists', undefined, {
experimental: {
nativeBehavior: 'stack-replace',
isNestedNavigator: true,
// ...
import { useRouter } from 'solito/router'
export function Home() {
const router = useRouter()
const openArtists = () => {
router.replace('/artists', undefined, {
experimental: {
nativeBehavior: 'stack-replace',
isNestedNavigator: true,
// ...

By passing nativeBehavior: 'stack-replace', you tell Solito to re-write your navigation action with StackActions.replace(). The isNestedNavigator property is an important way to indicate to Solito that your stack is nested inside of another navigator, such as tabs. Chances are, this property will always be true.

You can also use this functionality on the Link and TextLink components when replace is set to true:

nativeBehavior: 'stack-replace',
isNestedNavigator: true,
nativeBehavior: 'stack-replace',
isNestedNavigator: true,

For now, this feature will live behind the experimental flag.


Since Solito's custom font loading recommendations are currently quite platform-specific, you should be able to take advantage of Next.js' new @next/font package without any changes on the native side.

Upgrade guide​

Please follow the steps below to upgrade. This guide will use yarn.

  1. Upgrade solito in packages/app:

    a. yarn add solito

  2. Upgrade Next.js in apps/next:

    a. yarn add next@latest

  3. Add resolutions for react and react-dom to 18.2.0 in your root package.json:

"resolutions": {
"react": "18.2.0",
"react-dom": "18.2.0"
"resolutions": {
"react": "18.2.0",
"react-dom": "18.2.0"
  1. See the Next.js 13 upgrade guide for any other changes you need to make.

  2. Upgrade @react-navigation/native the newest 6.x version

  • The minimum version is 6.0.11, which exposes LinkingContext. This is necessary for the new stack-replace functionality.
  • This isn't a breaking change, but it will be in a future release.
  • If you're using expo-router, you may need to set this as a yarn resolution.
    • First, remove any @react-navigation packages from your package.jsons, since expo-router installs these for you. Next, run yarn, and finally yarn why @react-navigation/native.
    • If your version is below 6.0.11, please add a yarn resolution to your root package.json with a high enough version.
  1. Run yarn from the root of your monorepo.